📚 The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners Иллюстрированный словарь с рабочей тетрадью для начинающих изучать английский Components: > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) (+audio) > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Activity Book. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) (+audio) > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Teacher's Activity Book. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) 📚 The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners Components: > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) (+audio) > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Activity Book. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) (+audio) > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners. Teacher's Activity Book. Elizabeth Gray Express Publishing (2001) > The Express Picture Dictionary for young learners is a beautifully illustrated, fun-to-use dictionary, designed to present and consolidate basic vocabulary. It can be used both in class as supplementary material for young learners or beginners and at home as a self study kit. This beautifully illustrated dictionary contains more than 1,500 words most needed by young learners. The book is topic-based and presents vocabulary through attractive pictures and meaningful text. With The Express Picture Dictionary students build vocabulary skills through fun activities, puzzles, games and tasks which are designed to motivate them and stimulate their imagination. Many teachers find themselves in need from time to time to include clipcards as visual aids in their teaching or as a support in evaluation to back up the sentences or paragraphs in the exams.Well, here is the image collection used in The Express Picture Dictionary CD ROM for those who want to make use of them.

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